National Bank of Canada Montreal Routing Transit Number, Bank MICR Code

National Bank of Canada Montreal Routing Transit Number

Bank Routing Number Search

Name of the Bank and City e.g. Bank of Montreal in Vancouver

Routing Number Bank Branch Details
Routing Number (EFT): 000607121
Transit Number: 07121
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 07121-006
National Bank of Canada
National Life Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000607129
Transit Number: 07121
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 07121-006
National Bank of Canada
National Life Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000608151
Transit Number: 08151
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08151-006
National Bank of Canada
B/Change - Casino de Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000608919
Transit Number: 08911
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08911-006
National Bank of Canada
S/Intermediation-Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000605791
Transit Number: 05791
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 05791-006
National Bank of Canada
Demarcheurs - Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000615081
Transit Number: 15081
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 15081-006
National Bank of Canada
S/Clone Fund-Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000607261
Transit Number: 07261
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 07261-006
National Bank of Canada
ABGSP Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2G 2B3
Routing Number (EFT): 000607631
Transit Number: 07631
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 07631-006
National Bank of Canada
ABG-Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2G 2B3
Routing Number (EFT): 000601143
Transit Number: 01143
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01143-006
National Bank of Canada
4506 St -Denis Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2J 2L3
Routing Number (EFT): 000608911
Transit Number: 08911
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08911-006
National Bank of Canada
S/Intermediation-Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000609979
Transit Number: 09971
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 09971-006
National Bank of Canada
Promutuel Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000618961
Transit Number: 18961
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 18961-006
National Bank of Canada
Centre Aff. Montreal Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000600211
Transit Number: 00211
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00211-006
National Bank of Canada
SBP-Montreal 3 Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000619641
Transit Number: 19641
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 19641-006
National Bank of Canada
Bureau de change - Montreal-Nord Branch
Montreal-nord, QC
H1G 6J7
Routing Number (EFT): 000600081
Transit Number: 00081
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00081-006
National Bank of Canada
SBP-Montreal Metcalfe Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4S9
Routing Number (EFT): 000600891
Transit Number: 00891
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00891-006
National Bank of Canada
895 Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4G1
Routing Number (EFT): 000600821
Transit Number: 00821
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00821-006
National Bank of Canada
895 de la Gauchetiere o. Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4G1
Routing Number (EFT): 000615211
Transit Number: 15211
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 15211-006
National Bank of Canada
G P C Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 3B5
Routing Number (EFT): 000601971
Transit Number: 01971
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01971-006
National Bank of Canada
9700 Branch
Montreal, QC
H1C 1T2
Routing Number (EFT): 000605491
Transit Number: 05491
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 05491-006
National Bank of Canada
600 de la Gauchetiere O Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000600271
Transit Number: 00271
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00271-006
National Bank of Canada
955 de Maisonneuve O Branch
Montreal, QC
H3A 1M4
Routing Number (EFT): 000617081
Transit Number: 17081
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 17081-006
National Bank of Canada
S.A.G.E. Ont. Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000605933
Transit Number: 05933
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 05933-006
National Bank of Canada
13e-600 de la Gauchetiere O Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000611091
Transit Number: 11091
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 11091-006
National Bank of Canada
801 Ste-Catherine Est Branch
Montreal, QC
H2L 4M4
Routing Number (EFT): 000610171
Transit Number: 10171
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 10171-006
National Bank of Canada
600 de la Gauchetiere 17e Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000618461
Transit Number: 18461
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 18461-006
National Bank of Canada
Int'L-ENT-Marketing Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 3B5
Routing Number (EFT): 000606801
Transit Number: 06801
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 06801-006
National Bank of Canada
MRS Inc Branch
Montreal, QC
H2Y 2W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000615221
Transit Number: 15221
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 15221-006
National Bank of Canada
Titr.PB.Hyp. de 5 Log. et Plus Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000600732
Transit Number: 00732
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 00732-006
National Bank of Canada
7E-600 de la Gauchetiere Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000610951
Transit Number: 10951
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 10951-006
National Bank of Canada
955 de Maisonneuve Ouest Branch
Montreal, QC
H3A 1M4
Routing Number (EFT): 000610864
Transit Number: 10864
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 10864-006
National Bank of Canada
7E-600 de la Gauchetiere Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000601541
Transit Number: 01541
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01541-006
National Bank of Canada
3501 Branch
Montreal, QC
H2L 3Z1
Routing Number (EFT): 000615441
Transit Number: 15441
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 15441-006
National Bank of Canada
GPC Operations Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 3B5
Routing Number (EFT): 000610031
Transit Number: 10031
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 10031-006
National Bank of Canada
355 Branch
Vanier, ON
K1L 6B1
Routing Number (EFT): 000611011
Transit Number: 11011
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 11011-006
National Bank of Canada
6420 Branch
Montreal, QC
H2S 2M2
Routing Number (EFT): 000601021
Transit Number: 01021
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01021-006
National Bank of Canada
3785 Ontario Est Branch
Montreal, QC
H1W 1S3
Routing Number (EFT): 000601371
Transit Number: 01371
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01371-006
National Bank of Canada
5070 Branch
Montreal, QC
H2V 4G1
Routing Number (EFT): 000605061
Transit Number: 05061
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 05061-006
National Bank of Canada
Produits T.B.N. Branch
Montreal, QC
H3B 4L2
Routing Number (EFT): 000601581
Transit Number: 01581
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01581-006
National Bank of Canada
2355 rue de Salaberry Branch
Montreal, QC
H3M 1L1
Routing Number (EFT): 000601351
Transit Number: 01351
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 01351-006
National Bank of Canada
2890 Branch
Montreal, QC
H1Y 1W9
Only Top 40 results shown. Please include city/branch name in the search for more specific results.

Bank Routing Number:The Bank Routing Transit Number is a 9 digit number assigned to canadian banks by Canadian Payment Association. A routing number identifies the financial institution and the branch to which a payment item is directed. Along with the account number, it is essential for delivering payments through the clearing system. In Canada, there are two formats for routing numbers:

Electronic Transactions (EFT) Routing Number: A routing number for electronic payment items contains a zero (called the "leading zero"), a three-digit financial institution number and a five-digit branch number. The electronic routing number is used for electronic payment items, such as direct deposits and pre-authorized debits. For example, if Bank A's institution number is 123, and one of their branches is number 45678, the electronic routing number would look like this: 012345678 . Also, if a cheque has a routing number of XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX.

Paper Transactions Routing Number: A transit number for paper items (or MICR-encoded items) is comprised of a five-digit branch transit number and a three-digit financial institution number. It is encoded using magnetic ink on paper payment items (such as cheques). It is also referred to as MICR Transit Code. It is of the format XXXXX-YYY where XXXXX is a Branch Transit Number, and YYY is a Financial Institution Number. Direct Deposit setup forms usually ask both Branch Transit Number and Institution Number. These routing numbers are sometimes referred to as "Check Routing Numbers" or "Routing Transit Numbers".