Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Strathroy Routing Transit Number, Bank MICR Code

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Strathroy Routing Transit Number

Bank Routing Number Search

Name of the Bank and City e.g. Bank of Montreal in Vancouver

Routing Number Bank Branch Details
Routing Number (EFT): 058005842
Transit Number: 04922
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 04922-003
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X5
Routing Number (EFT): 000304922
Transit Number: 04922
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 04922-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Strathroy Branch Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X4
Routing Number (EFT): 000307314
Transit Number: 07314
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 07314-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
RT - Strathroy Br Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X4
Routing Number (EFT): 000301236
Transit Number: 01236
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 01236-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Strathroy Business Banking Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X5
Routing Number (EFT): 000426882
Transit Number: 26882
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 26882-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 050916532
Transit Number: 16532
Financial Institution No.: 509
MICR Code: 16532-509
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 000407752
Transit Number: 07752
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 07752-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 050911482
Transit Number: 11482
Financial Institution No.: 509
MICR Code: 11482-509
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 000406532
Transit Number: 06532
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 06532-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Automotive Finance Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 001009082
Transit Number: 09082
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 09082-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X7
Routing Number (EFT): 000267132
Transit Number: 67132
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 67132-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 000129572
Transit Number: 29572
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 29572-001
Bank of Montreal
Strathroy Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 3C1
Routing Number (EFT): 000437132
Transit Number: 37132
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 37132-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Caradoc & Ontario Branch
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P6
Routing Number (EFT): 082864522
Transit Number: 64522
Financial Institution No.: 828
MICR Code: 64522-828
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1Y4
Routing Number (EFT): 082813832
Transit Number: 13832
Financial Institution No.: 828
MICR Code: 13832-828
Strathroy, ON
N7G 2P1
Routing Number (EFT): 082862232
Transit Number: 62232
Financial Institution No.: 828
MICR Code: 62232-828
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1X7
Routing Number (EFT): 000304061
Transit Number: 04061
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 04061-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Mount Royal & St. Lawrence Branch Branch
Montreal, QC
H2H 1J2
Routing Number (EFT): 000304317
Transit Number: 04317
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 04317-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
RT-Broadmead Branch
Victoria, BC
V8X 4V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000306781
Transit Number: 06781
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 06781-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Town of Mont-Royal Branch Branch
Mont-Royal, QC
H3P 3M9
Routing Number (EFT): 000303981
Transit Number: 03981
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03981-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Succursale Mont-Royal & Papineau Branch
Montreal, QC
H2H 1J2
Routing Number (EFT): 000308480
Transit Number: 08480
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08480-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Park Royal Branch Branch
West Vancouver, BC
V7T 1H9
Routing Number (EFT): 000303198
Transit Number: 03198
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03198-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Imperial Branch Branch
Imperial, SK
S0G 2J0
Routing Number (EFT): 000300223
Transit Number: 00223
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 00223-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Annapolis Royal Br Branch
Annapolis Royal, NS
B0S 1A0
Routing Number (EFT): 000308120
Transit Number: 08120
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08120-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Way Financing Branch
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3S5
Routing Number (EFT): 003900211
Transit Number: 00211
Financial Institution No.: 039
MICR Code: 00211-039
Laurentian Bank of Canada
Delorimier & Mt-Royal Branch
Montreal, QC
H2J 1K8
Routing Number (EFT): 003900141
Transit Number: 00141
Financial Institution No.: 039
MICR Code: 00141-039
Laurentian Bank of Canada
Mt-Royal & Ch-Colomb Branch
Montreal, QC
H2J 1X8
Routing Number (EFT): 000308060
Transit Number: 08060
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08060-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Broadmead Village Shopping Centre Branch
Victoria, BC
V8X 4V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000308493
Transit Number: 08493
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08493-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
NB Royal Way Financing-NB Branch
Moncton, NB
E1C 1E2
Routing Number (EFT): 000303380
Transit Number: 03380
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03380-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Square Branch Branch
New Westminster, BC
V3M 6Z2
Routing Number (EFT): 000301080
Transit Number: 01080
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 01080-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Centre Asian Banking Branch
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3N9
Routing Number (EFT): 000303506
Transit Number: 03506
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03506-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
*CSM* Royal Life Insurance Branch
Oakville, ON
L6J 1H9
Routing Number (EFT): 000310815
Transit Number: 10815
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 10815-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
FP Central Vancouver Island Branch
Victoria, BC
V8X 4V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000301693
Transit Number: 01693
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 01693-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Direct BCC access - Ontario Branch
Mississauga, ON
L5N 7Y5
Routing Number (EFT): 000308495
Transit Number: 08495
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08495-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Direct-Wpg Invstment Specialst Branch
Winnipeg, MB
R3N 3Y8
Routing Number (EFT): 000300003
Transit Number: 00003
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 00003-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Centre Branch Branch
Halifax, NS
B3J 1M7
Routing Number (EFT): 000308490
Transit Number: 08490
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 08490-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Direct-Wpg Credit Specialists Branch
Winnipeg, MB
R3M 3Y8
Routing Number (EFT): 000309952
Transit Number: 09952
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 09952-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Van-Royal Centre Comm - KBI Branch
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3S5
Routing Number (EFT): 058000332
Transit Number: 00332
Financial Institution No.: 580
MICR Code: 00332-580
Royal Trust Chrysler Corporation Branch
Toronto, ON
M5W 1P9
Routing Number (EFT): 000301053
Transit Number: 01053
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 01053-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Royal Trust Mortgage Centre Branch
Montreal, QC
H3Z 2Y3
Routing Number (EFT): 000309872
Transit Number: 09872
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 09872-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Foreign Student Banking-Royal Centre Branch
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3S5
Only Top 40 results shown. Please include city/branch name in the search for more specific results.

Bank Routing Number:The Bank Routing Transit Number is a 9 digit number assigned to canadian banks by Canadian Payment Association. A routing number identifies the financial institution and the branch to which a payment item is directed. Along with the account number, it is essential for delivering payments through the clearing system. In Canada, there are two formats for routing numbers:

Electronic Transactions (EFT) Routing Number: A routing number for electronic payment items contains a zero (called the "leading zero"), a three-digit financial institution number and a five-digit branch number. The electronic routing number is used for electronic payment items, such as direct deposits and pre-authorized debits. For example, if Bank A's institution number is 123, and one of their branches is number 45678, the electronic routing number would look like this: 012345678 . Also, if a cheque has a routing number of XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX.

Paper Transactions Routing Number: A transit number for paper items (or MICR-encoded items) is comprised of a five-digit branch transit number and a three-digit financial institution number. It is encoded using magnetic ink on paper payment items (such as cheques). It is also referred to as MICR Transit Code. It is of the format XXXXX-YYY where XXXXX is a Branch Transit Number, and YYY is a Financial Institution Number. Direct Deposit setup forms usually ask both Branch Transit Number and Institution Number. These routing numbers are sometimes referred to as "Check Routing Numbers" or "Routing Transit Numbers".