Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust) Newmarket Routing Transit Number, Bank MICR Code

Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust) Newmarket Routing Transit Number

Bank Routing Number Search

Name of the Bank and City e.g. Bank of Montreal in Vancouver

Routing Number Bank Branch Details
Routing Number (EFT): 000403072
Transit Number: 03072
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 03072-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 000405422
Transit Number: 05422
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 05422-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Newmarket Hwy404 Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 8R1
Routing Number (EFT): 000430972
Transit Number: 30972
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 30972-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Newmarket Plaza Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 000431002
Transit Number: 31002
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 31002-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Newmarket Plaza Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 000431062
Transit Number: 31062
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 31062-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Newmarket Wal-Mart In Store Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 058005672
Transit Number: 03724
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03724-003
Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 050913072
Transit Number: 13072
Financial Institution No.: 509
MICR Code: 13072-509
Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2N1
Routing Number (EFT): 000436372
Transit Number: 36372
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 36372-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
615 Davis Dr Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R2
Routing Number (EFT): 050915422
Transit Number: 15422
Financial Institution No.: 509
MICR Code: 15422-509
Newmarket Davis Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 7V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000431022
Transit Number: 31022
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 31022-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Yonge & Mulock CBC Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3X 1V6
Routing Number (EFT): 000303724
Transit Number: 03724
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03724-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
RT-Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 8P4
Routing Number (EFT): 000430982
Transit Number: 30982
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 30982-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Davis Drive & Highway #404 Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 7V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000430962
Transit Number: 30962
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 30962-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Davis Drive & Highway #404 Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 7V1
Routing Number (EFT): 000103502
Transit Number: 03502
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 03502-001
Bank of Montreal
Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3Z4
Routing Number (EFT): 000300128
Transit Number: 00128
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 00128-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Newmarket-Yonge & Savage Branch Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3X 2G8
Routing Number (EFT): 000264766
Transit Number: 64766
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 64766-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
198 Main Street-Newmarket Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3Z2
Routing Number (EFT): 083761922
Transit Number: 61922
Financial Institution No.: 837
MICR Code: 61922-837
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2M7
Routing Number (EFT): 000608781
Transit Number: 08781
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08781-006
National Bank of Canada
Municipal Trust Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2M7
Routing Number (EFT): 000608641
Transit Number: 08641
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08641-006
National Bank of Canada
Municipal Trust Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2M7
Routing Number (EFT): 000608721
Transit Number: 08721
Financial Institution No.: 006
MICR Code: 08721-006
National Bank of Canada
Municipal Trust Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2M7
Routing Number (EFT): 059001052
Transit Number: 64766
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 64766-002
Main Street Branch Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4W3
Routing Number (EFT): 000126992
Transit Number: 26992
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 26992-001
Bank of Montreal
231 Main St Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3Z4
Routing Number (EFT): 000139992
Transit Number: 39992
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 39992-001
Bank of Montreal
Upper Canada Mall Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4Z1
Routing Number (EFT): 000131562
Transit Number: 31562
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 31562-001
Bank of Montreal
17600 Yonge Street Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4Z1
Routing Number (EFT): 000138442
Transit Number: 38442
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 38442-001
Bank of Montreal
17600 Yonge Street Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4Z1
Routing Number (EFT): 000255442
Transit Number: 55442
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 55442-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
258 Main Street Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 3Z5
Routing Number (EFT): 082816782
Transit Number: 16782
Financial Institution No.: 828
MICR Code: 16782-828
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2P9
Routing Number (EFT): 000139562
Transit Number: 39562
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 39562-001
Bank of Montreal
404 Shopping Centre Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2R9
Routing Number (EFT): 000410102
Transit Number: 10102
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 10102-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Toronto Dominion Centre (Pers) Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 082863612
Transit Number: 63612
Financial Institution No.: 828
MICR Code: 63612-828
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 8C9
Routing Number (EFT): 000412532
Transit Number: 12532
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 12532-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Green Line Investor Services Branch
Toronto, ON
M5S 1M2
Routing Number (EFT): 000400732
Transit Number: 00732
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 00732-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
ICT - Transit-Global Operations Branch
Toronto, to
Routing Number (EFT): 000451892
Transit Number: 51892
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 51892-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Employee Banking Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 000410242
Transit Number: 10242
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 10242-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Shopping Concourse Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 000414952
Transit Number: 14952
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 14952-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Toronto-Dominion Centre Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 000410212
Transit Number: 10212
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 10212-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Toronto Dominion Centre Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 000418402
Transit Number: 18402
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 18402-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Toronto Dominion Centre Branch
Toronto, ON
M5K 1A2
Routing Number (EFT): 000303322
Transit Number: 03322
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03322-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Leslie & Davis Branch Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 8R1
Routing Number (EFT): 000303342
Transit Number: 03342
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 03342-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Yonge & Dawson Manor Branch Branch
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 4V8
Routing Number (EFT): 000402850
Transit Number: 02850
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 02850-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Toronto Dominion Tower Branch
Vancouver, BC
V7Y 1A2
Only Top 40 results shown. Please include city/branch name in the search for more specific results.

Bank Routing Number:The Bank Routing Transit Number is a 9 digit number assigned to canadian banks by Canadian Payment Association. A routing number identifies the financial institution and the branch to which a payment item is directed. Along with the account number, it is essential for delivering payments through the clearing system. In Canada, there are two formats for routing numbers:

Electronic Transactions (EFT) Routing Number: A routing number for electronic payment items contains a zero (called the "leading zero"), a three-digit financial institution number and a five-digit branch number. The electronic routing number is used for electronic payment items, such as direct deposits and pre-authorized debits. For example, if Bank A's institution number is 123, and one of their branches is number 45678, the electronic routing number would look like this: 012345678 . Also, if a cheque has a routing number of XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX.

Paper Transactions Routing Number: A transit number for paper items (or MICR-encoded items) is comprised of a five-digit branch transit number and a three-digit financial institution number. It is encoded using magnetic ink on paper payment items (such as cheques). It is also referred to as MICR Transit Code. It is of the format XXXXX-YYY where XXXXX is a Branch Transit Number, and YYY is a Financial Institution Number. Direct Deposit setup forms usually ask both Branch Transit Number and Institution Number. These routing numbers are sometimes referred to as "Check Routing Numbers" or "Routing Transit Numbers".