Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust) High Prairie Routing Transit Number, Bank MICR Code

Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust) High Prairie Routing Transit Number

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Name of the Bank and City e.g. Bank of Montreal in Vancouver

Routing Number Bank Branch Details
Routing Number (EFT): 000488409
Transit Number: 88409
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88409-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
High Prairie Branch
High Prairie, AB
T0G 1E0
Routing Number (EFT): 000306279
Transit Number: 06279
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 06279-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
High Prairie Branch Branch
High Prairie, AB
T0G 1E0
Routing Number (EFT): 021907799
Transit Number: 07799
Financial Institution No.: 219
MICR Code: 07799-219
High Prairie Branch
High Prairie, AB
T0G 1E0
Routing Number (EFT): 000489129
Transit Number: 89129
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 89129-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
4831 51 Avenue Branch
High Prairie, AB
T0G 1E0
Routing Number (EFT): 000488309
Transit Number: 88309
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88309-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
High River Branch
High River, AB
T1V 1M3
Routing Number (EFT): 000488349
Transit Number: 88349
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88349-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Gr Prairie-Cobblestone Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8X 0E7
Routing Number (EFT): 000493230
Transit Number: 93230
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 93230-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Prairie Mall Branch
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3B 5M8
Routing Number (EFT): 000488369
Transit Number: 88369
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88369-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Grande Prairie Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8E6
Routing Number (EFT): 000486499
Transit Number: 86499
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 86499-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Wal-Mart Grande-Prairie Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8E6
Routing Number (EFT): 000300409
Transit Number: 00409
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 00409-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
High Tech & Bayview Br Branch
Richmond Hill, ON
L4B 4V9
Routing Number (EFT): 000461907
Transit Number: 61907
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 61907-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
102 Saskatchewan Ave W Branch
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 0M1
Routing Number (EFT): 000400498
Transit Number: 00498
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 00498-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Main St N & High Branch
Moose Jaw, SK
S6H 0V9
Routing Number (EFT): 000459442
Transit Number: 59442
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 59442-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Markham High Risk-ARM Branch
Markham, ON
L3R 0X1
Routing Number (EFT): 000488089
Transit Number: 88089
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88089-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Prairie Region Global MBA Centre Branch
Calgary, AB
T2P 3Y8
Routing Number (EFT): 000480789
Transit Number: 80789
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 80789-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
Prairie Real Estate Branch
Calgary, AB
T2P 4K9
Routing Number (EFT): 089932319
Transit Number: 32319
Financial Institution No.: 899
MICR Code: 32319-899
Peace River, AB
T8S 1T1
Routing Number (EFT): 021908499
Transit Number: 08499
Financial Institution No.: 219
MICR Code: 08499-219
High Level Branch
High Level, AB
T0H 1Z0
Routing Number (EFT): 001000649
Transit Number: 00649
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 00649-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
High River Branch
High River, AB
T1V 1M3
Routing Number (EFT): 001001899
Transit Number: 01899
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 01899-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
High Level Branch
High Level, AB
T0H 1Z0
Routing Number (EFT): 000211429
Transit Number: 11429
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 11429-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
High River Branch
High River, AB
T1V 1N5
Routing Number (EFT): 000300424
Transit Number: 00424
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 00424-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
GR Prairie-South 40 Shopping Ctr Br Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8W 0G9
Routing Number (EFT): 000480449
Transit Number: 80449
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 80449-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
West Side Plaza Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8E6
Routing Number (EFT): 000488339
Transit Number: 88339
Financial Institution No.: 004
MICR Code: 88339-004
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Canada Trust)
West Side Plaza Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8E6
Routing Number (EFT): 000301836
Transit Number: 01836
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 01836-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Succursale La Prairie Branch
La Prairie, QC
J5R 4H9
Routing Number (EFT): 003905761
Transit Number: 05761
Financial Institution No.: 039
MICR Code: 05761-039
Laurentian Bank of Canada
La Prairie Branch
La Prairie, QC
J5R 1W7
Routing Number (EFT): 001000643
Transit Number: 00643
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 00643-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Dominion and High Branch
Bridgewater, NS
B4H 2W8
Routing Number (EFT): 081530325
Transit Number: 30325
Financial Institution No.: 815
MICR Code: 30325-815
La Prairie, QC
J5R 1V1
Routing Number (EFT): 001001031
Transit Number: 01031
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 01031-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
La Prairie Branch
La Prairie, QC
J5R 1W6
Routing Number (EFT): 000121051
Transit Number: 21051
Financial Institution No.: 001
MICR Code: 21051-001
Bank of Montreal
La Prairie Branch
La Prairie, QC
J5R 1V5
Routing Number (EFT): 088951698
Transit Number: 51698
Financial Institution No.: 889
MICR Code: 51698-889
Moose Jaw, SK
S6H 4P4
Routing Number (EFT): 000306389
Transit Number: 06389
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 06389-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
High River Branch Branch
High River, AB
T1V 1M4
Routing Number (EFT): 000309893
Transit Number: 09893
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 09893-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Grande Prairie AB-Peace Country N CM Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 2E4
Routing Number (EFT): 089901049
Transit Number: 01049
Financial Institution No.: 899
MICR Code: 01049-899
High River, AB
T1V 1M6
Routing Number (EFT): 000305949
Transit Number: 05949
Financial Institution No.: 003
MICR Code: 05949-003
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Grande Prairie Branch Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 2E4
Routing Number (EFT): 000250617
Transit Number: 50617
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 50617-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
Portage la Prairie Mall Branch
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 3N8
Routing Number (EFT): 001003899
Transit Number: 03899
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 03899-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Grande Prairie Shopping Centre Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 4C2
Routing Number (EFT): 001000599
Transit Number: 00599
Financial Institution No.: 010
MICR Code: 00599-010
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Grande Prairie Branch Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 0V1
Routing Number (EFT): 021908519
Transit Number: 08519
Financial Institution No.: 219
MICR Code: 08519-219
Grande Prairie Southview Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8W 0H1
Routing Number (EFT): 021907199
Transit Number: 07199
Financial Institution No.: 219
MICR Code: 07199-219
Grande Prairie Westview Branch
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 8E9
Routing Number (EFT): 000220057
Transit Number: 20057
Financial Institution No.: 002
MICR Code: 20057-002
Bank of Nova Scotia
Portage la Prairie Branch
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 3B7
Only Top 40 results shown. Please include city/branch name in the search for more specific results.

Bank Routing Number:The Bank Routing Transit Number is a 9 digit number assigned to canadian banks by Canadian Payment Association. A routing number identifies the financial institution and the branch to which a payment item is directed. Along with the account number, it is essential for delivering payments through the clearing system. In Canada, there are two formats for routing numbers:

Electronic Transactions (EFT) Routing Number: A routing number for electronic payment items contains a zero (called the "leading zero"), a three-digit financial institution number and a five-digit branch number. The electronic routing number is used for electronic payment items, such as direct deposits and pre-authorized debits. For example, if Bank A's institution number is 123, and one of their branches is number 45678, the electronic routing number would look like this: 012345678 . Also, if a cheque has a routing number of XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX.

Paper Transactions Routing Number: A transit number for paper items (or MICR-encoded items) is comprised of a five-digit branch transit number and a three-digit financial institution number. It is encoded using magnetic ink on paper payment items (such as cheques). It is also referred to as MICR Transit Code. It is of the format XXXXX-YYY where XXXXX is a Branch Transit Number, and YYY is a Financial Institution Number. Direct Deposit setup forms usually ask both Branch Transit Number and Institution Number. These routing numbers are sometimes referred to as "Check Routing Numbers" or "Routing Transit Numbers".